Little Honey Money

A Clothing Brand Designed To Bring You Closer To Your Baby

We joined in a conversation with Ksenia Rakhimova, the visionary behind Amama, a women’s clothing brand catering to contemporary nursing moms and expectant mothers. Amama was born out of a desire to support every woman embracing motherhood, breastfeeding, and the journey of raising a child close to her heart—while honoring the way a woman’s lifestyle looked like before motherhood. We admire the mission and values driving this inspiring company and are inspired by Ksenia’s motherhood journey—read on for her take on Attachment Theory, self-care, travel, and more wisdom to support and enrich your motherhood lifestyle.

  • LHM

    Let's have our community get to know you. Who is Ksenia Rakhimova and what led to the creation of Amama?


    During my university years, where I majored in mathematics, I found joy and relaxation in sewing—creating outfits for myself, my niece, and university dance troupe. I discovered a special pleasure in designing garments, where my mathematical skills helped me refine the shapes and minimize unnecessary seams. After university, I embarked on a decade-long career in the corporate world at an international company. However, my life took a deeply personal turn when I first became pregnant. Though filled with initial joy, my pregnancy ended in loss at thirteen weeks, a challenging experience I navigated at home with support from my midwife and husband. I delved deeply into the study of physiology and psychology to prepare myself as thoroughly as possible for another pregnancy, delivery, and motherhood. Nearly a year later, I became pregnant again, and the birth of our daughter was the happiest moment of my life. Even before holding my baby, I became an advocate of the attachment theory. I was determined to ensure that my daughter felt deeply loved. Breastfeeding became more than nourishment—it was my way to connect profoundly with my baby and to learn how to respond to her needs intuitively. Before motherhood, my life was packed with work, social events, and travel. Integrating these with my new role wasn’t just necessary—it became a cherished challenge. We embraced a simpler, more natural way of living, where attending to my daughter’s needs on the go felt liberating and instinctual. This profound shift in my life inspired the creation of Amama. By the time my daughter turned one, we had traveled on 11 flights and embarked on five road trips, finding the need for feeding her in various settings. This experience highlighted a demand for stylish yet functional nursing wear, leading to the birth of our brand. Amama is more than a clothing line—it’s a response to the needs of active, nurturing mothers everywhere. Our signature product, The Optimal Set, features a hoodie and joggers made from premium heavyweight 100% cotton, designed specifically for the modern mother. This set supports the dynamic lifestyle of mothers who value comfort, functionality, and style, whether they’re home, on a park stroll, or traveling the globe. Every piece we create is crafted with meticulous attention to detail, ensuring it’s not only ideal for nursing but also perfectly suited for pregnancy and beyond. Amama celebrates motherhood in all its forms, providing apparel that mothers can feel good about before, during, and after pregnancy.

  • LHM

    You are a mother to a vibrant daughter, how did you prepare for your postpartum journey?


    Preparing for the postpartum journey, my husband and I educated ourselves and planned to share all responsibilities—from baby care to household tasks. In those first two weeks, he took on most of the duties, allowing me the space to adapt to my new role and establish breastfeeding. I feel incredibly fortunate to have him by my side, not only as my partner but as an equally engaged parent to our daughter. Despite our preparations, the reality of motherhood was more challenging than I had ever anticipated. This experience taught me the immense value of being flexible and trusting my instincts as a parent. The exhaustion was real, and though it was overwhelming at times, I knew I had to lead with love. It was all much harder on her than it was on me. It dawned on me that this was a crucial time in her life when she needed me the most.

  • LHM

    What is something you wish someone would have told you as a new mother?


    I wish someone had told me to trust my own heart more, as it surely knows best how to care for your child. Embracing practices like co-sleeping, breastfeeding her to sleep, showering together, doing sports side by side, and breastfeeding whenever she needed it—even during business meetings—greatly eased my journey into motherhood. I truly believe these choices have helped my daughter grow into a girl who is open to the world, to people, and to all things new. She knows without a doubt that I am always there for her, and that I love her deeply and unconditionally.

  • LHM

    How do you take care of your nervous system? Do you have any favorite rituals?


    To be honest, I wasn’t very good at self-care before my child was born, but her arrival made me realize the importance of putting my own well-being first. Learning to ask for help—whether from my husband, parents, friends, or professionals—became an essential skill. Self-care is crucial! In the early months, I would put my baby to sleep and spend 15-20 minutes on a face and head massage, along with skin care routines. Sometimes, I’d watch a TV show or listen to music during this time. It was my moment alone, and it gave me the strength to care for my baby through the night. As she grew, I discovered new ways to recharge—morning walks alone, swimming sessions. During the toughest times, breathing exercises and talking with a psychologist were my saving grace. I can confidently say that as my daughter changes, so do my rituals. I am learning to listen to myself and my body, and to provide the self-care I need at any given moment.

  • LHM

    How do you want mothers to feel when they wear your pieces?


    We aim to create garments that are not only functional but also effortless, allowing every mom to feel relaxed yet put together, confident and approachable at the same time. Our goal is to empower mothers who choose to live dynamically with their little ones by their side, helping them navigate each day with confidence and ease.

  • LHM

    Could you share a mantra or affirmation that resonates with you during this chapter of your motherhood journey?


    ‘Acting out of love.’

    In challenging moments, I ask myself whether I am acting out of love for my child or from my own fears—for instance, when she confidently climbs to the top of the playground structure following older kids. This perspective allows me to view the situation from a different angle, helping me support her as she navigates her challenges and strives to achieve her goals. This mantra also applies when societal expectations creep in about developmental milestones—like rolling over, crawling, walking, talking, or potty training. Acting from love, I remind myself that my daughter owes nothing to anyone’s timeline but her own. It helps me see her needs in the moment and respond with love.

  • LHM

    What is next for Amama?


    I believe that mothers don’t need a vast array of specialized clothing, which is why our collection is intentionally selective. Our commitment to quality and thoughtful design is reflected in every piece we offer. We are excited to introduce a new model soon and are beginning to expand our range to include accessories. At this moment, we are incredibly grateful for the community that has chosen us. The love and support we receive from mothers and professionals are immensely valuable to us.

Amama is a womenswear brand that offers wardrobe essentials for modern nursing moms and moms-to-be. For every woman who chooses motherhood, chooses breastfeeding, and chooses to live her life with her baby next to her heart.

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