This year, Little Honey Money celebrated Earth Day by honoring Mother Nature, mothers, and the beautiful community of wisdom keepers, birth workers, healers, caretakers, and support givers in our orbit. We are one with nature, and this abundant community makes our interconnectedness richer every day.
We pay homage to the thousands of maternal health providers and platforms who have found their purpose in nourishing mothers’ minds, bodies, and spirits, so that each soul touched can continue spreading more love and tenderness in our world.
Our baby registry platform is in service to Mother Earth, with our commitment to helping new mothers find the care they need, during their most vulnerable moments. Woven into our ethos is a redirection of consumer behavior, away from harmful principles and challenging conventional narratives, so that together we can move closer to nature—both around us, and within each of us.
With a focus on the intangible, invaluable gifts of wellness, support, and healing for new mothers, we give our beautiful planet the much-needed reprieve it deserves.
Earth is revered by the nurturing of mothers.
Our Guiding Principles
Nourishment for Mothers
All families deserve a mother that is physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually nurtured, so that her energy can radiate more positively to everyone around her. As the wise Kirstin Ford once said, “Take care of the mother, and you secure the well-being of every other member in that society”.
Honoring Each Journey as Unique
Every journey is different. We recognize that each mother has her own, ever-changing set of needs and that she should foster an authentic connection to herself, in order to honor those needs. We designed our registry platform so that each mother can discover, find, and connect with the exact support system she needs for herself—and her growing family.
Human Connection
Healing hands can touch a mother’s soul in magical ways—there is simply no substitute for human touch. Community, in its various forms, is equally essential for mothers to cultivate wisdom while navigating their journey. Human connection is a necessity for both physical and psychological health.
Enriched Livelihoods
We know the value that complementary maternal health providers add to growing families’ lives is immeasurable, even life-changing. We also recognize that complementary providers who offer their gifts to humanity find deep fulfillment in their practice and are worthy of equitable compensation and enriched livelihoods—inclusive of their own self-care.
Mother Nature as a Guide
We believe in the healing power of nature and encourage new mothers to look to it to guide their journey, alongside their chosen care path. We acknowledge the delicate balance between modern lifestyles as they relate to human life and the natural world.
We believe the healthiest decisions are made from a place of empowerment, not fear. We believe in the power of physiological education as the greatest driver of empowerment and self-advocacy.
Mindful Consumption
We are strong believers in mindful consumption surrounding a new baby’s arrival. We encourage investing in high-quality goods that are healthy for mom, baby, and the planet, with a targeted, buy-as-you go approach for addressing needs in real-time. We believe in the responsibility to cherish and protect our Earth and its humans, ensuring its abundance and beauty for generations to come.
Modeling for the Future
By showing our children what it looks like to invest in our health and happiness, from the beginning of their lives, we teach them to accept the love and care that each person deserves—fostering a brighter future for all humans on Earth.
Words of Wisdom from our Earth Day Campaign Partners
We are grateful to have found alignment within our community, rooted in environmentally-conscious core values. Below are sentiments from our campaign partners, who joined us in spreading love for mothers and mother Earth—inspiring the greater community with their natural wisdom.
Mother Nature teaches us about risk but also great reward. Much like the process of a seed sprouting into a plant or a caterpillar’s metamorphosis to a butterfly, nature’s design is incredibly well crafted even despite all odds. We, as mothers, have to trust the process of transformation and growing something new. We are intuitive, resilient and strong. Just like her.
– Hayley Oakes, Midwife
There are times when the only thing to do is to wait. The seed has been planted and the child is growing in the womb, the oyster is coating the grain of sand and making it into a pearl. Through all of the phases of the moon passing overhead she remains patient, so in tune with the rhythms of the moon that she has almost become one with it. She knows it is a time to be passive, letting nature take its course. It is a time full of mystery, like the hours just before the dawn. It is a time when the only thing to do is to wait.
– Haize Hawke, Doula
Our Food is Medicine approach truly takes the food of the earth with a focus on sourcing seasonal, organic and local so that every bite truly nourishes mothers on their journey and our Mother Earth.
– Jennifer Jolorte Doro, Chiyo
I’ve learned more from my mom patients than I learned from 10 degrees in natural healthcare.
– Dr. Bradley Campbell, Natural Healthcare Physician
Nothing has made me feel closer to nature than becoming a mother. Our bodies are an eco-system within an eco-system, perfectly designed to grow life. Like Mother Earth, the wisdom of creation is hardwired within us. When we tune into the rhythms of nature everything makes sense.
– Carson Meyer, Doula
As mothers ourselves, we understand the demanding nature of the job, yet we wholeheartedly embrace it. The natural ingredients, like shea butter, have provided nourishment and restoration for our skin, especially during the demanding phases of motherhood.
– Karité, brand
Motherhood brought me closer to nature than ever before. The more time I spent immersed in the soil and sun the more I relaxed into my new role, and the more joy shone through in my mothering experience. The rhythms of nature are synonymous with the rhythms of motherhood; nature teaches us how to truly nurture ourselves and our children.
– Erica Mock, Slow + Steady
Undisturbed, physiological birth connects mother and baby to their instinct, intuition and true nature. It provides us with an embodied understanding of our place within the natural world. When the mother-baby bond is preserved and supported, we raise secure, peaceful adults who share that respectful bond with all things.
– Dana Cusato, Doula & Craniosacral Therapist
As mothers ourselves, we understand the demanding nature of the job, yet we I’ve learned a lot about birth from birthing babies, but I’ve also learned a lot about birth by watching flowers bloom. The stalk does not rush the bud and the petals never feel ashamed. Mother Nature is a living ceremony and endlessly inspiring.
– Kirstin Ford, Ceremonialist
One of the most important things you can do as a parent is to be mindful of the Earth while raising your children, so that you co-create the future environment you want them to live in.
– Lori Bregman, Doula
As mothers, when we lean into Mother Nature, allowing her to wrap us in her grace, we find solace, and the inspiration required to fully embody motherhood. She teaches us to slow down, to go with the flow, and to honor the cycle of Life we’re in. She is steady, attuned, and ever-present.
– Jenifer Silverman, LOAM Clothing
Mother Earth reminds us of the principles that hold all mothers up: remaining grounded, slowing down to align with the natural rhythm of things, and being just want you are. Mother Earth holds space for all the varying needs of her unique inhabitants and all the while still holding the responsibility to power herself, her inhabitants and her visitors. This is the heavy burden that Mother Earth shares with all mothers. Mother Earth also provides her unwavering optimism, reminding all mothers of their own power and resilience. Mother Earth thank you for your teachings, it continues to ground me deeper into the mother I am committed to showing up as.
– Tina Cartwright, Rebranding Motherhood
Any time that I have felt truly disconnected from my Self, amidst the never ending juggle of Motherhood, I have always quickly found myself once again when I seek silence in nature. To BE. To Remember. I AM nature and Mother Nature is always here protecting and nourishing us all.
– McLean McGown, Mother the Mother
Any time that I have felt truly disconnected from my Self, amidst the never As mothers we have the power in our hands to harness the healing powers of the Earth God has provided us to nourish our families. We can tap into every natural element of the Earth around us- the herbs, animals, sunshine, plants, and nutrients to facilitate growth, healing, and regeneration to our bodies and souls and teach our children to connect to the land.
– Jill King, Honeybee Hippie
Mother Earth’s nurturing embrace reminds us of the cyclical beauty of motherhood, from the changing seasons to the growth of our children. Nature’s rhythms offer invaluable lessons in patience, resilience, and adaptability, mirroring the challenges and joys of raising children. We love to take moments to ground ourselves in nature, whether it’s a walk in the woods or simply feeling the earth beneath our feet, soaking up all of the energy to replenish and invigorate our motherhood journeys.
– WeNatal, brand
Connecting with the cyclical nature of Mother Earth has helped me connect to my own cyclical nature. It has shown me to slow down and savor all of the parts of motherhood. Childhood and the experience of being a new mother are ephemeral just as the ever changing seasons.
– Nimisha Gandhi, Moon Cycle Nutrition
Peace on Earth begins at birth.
– Emily Stanwyck, Doula
Motherhood is a very sacred time for you and the expansion of your family. To the world, you are a mother or becoming a mother but to your family you are the world. Take time to honor, connect and celebrate you during your motherhood journey.
– JoJo Williams, Perinatal Massage Therapist
Living in tune with Mother Nature’s rhythms guides us to honor our own rhythms on our cyclical path to and through motherhood. Nature provides the seasonal foods we need when we need them, she shows us how to slow down, shed, let go, be reborn, bloom, and overflow with abundance. Mother Earth is the ultimate feminine form.
– Sydney Bliss, Milky Oat Postpartum
I have just become pregnant with my first baby, a baby girl, five months ago and it’s been the most divine and creative act of my life. I have always felt connected and close to nature, as I truly do believe she is the ultimate healer, provider, nurturer, source of beauty, creation and the original muse. To now pass that along to my daughter, and to relish together in the beauty and source of life, Mama Earth, is one of the greatest gifts. As we connect deeper to the earth, I believe she reminds us of our own innate beauty and power, and from there, she guides us to share it with the world.
– Lisa O’Connor, A Radiant Life
Leaning on nature is one of the greatest resources in motherhood. We are nature and need to be apart of it to thrive. A moment in the sun may be what turns your day around or inspires strength in your own evolution.
– Lauren Alicia, Sacred Doula
Living in tune with Mother Nature’s rhythms guides us to honor our own rhythms My constant grounding force throughout life and motherhood has been Mother Nature. When things get overwhelming, I have always turned to the healing energy of the sun, the sound of the wind, the smell of warm trees in the summer. Our lives can get so full that we often forget the absolute miracle the world around us is. There is such potent medicine in the natural resources the earth gives us.
– Morgan Dixon, Lactation Consultant
Your mothering is your art—the full embodiment of your soul outside your body. To honor and celebrate this journey is to be in unity with Earth—we flow through each season of motherhood like the Earth’s seasons as we also plant these little ones as seeds to be grounded and aligned with God’s beautiful Earth under their feet.
– Mia King, Earth Mama Motherhood Photography
Earth is our home, our heart.
– Nasiba Adilova, Natural Motherhood Advocate
In my own experience, becoming a mother has been a lesson of adaptability, resilience and self compassion. All while nourishing, protecting and sustaining life. What better model of this than Mother Nature herself.
– Allison Oswald, Doctor of Pelvic Physical Therapy
How a mother repairs, nourishes, and restores herself after childbirth will dictate how she can give to her children, and how she mothers her children will dictate their relationships to others and themselves, and so have lasting impacts on society. How we honor, respect, and give grace to mothers also translate to how we treat our own Mother, Mother Nature. Emphasis on respect and renewal for both are signs of a functioning society.
– Cora Skinner, Doula
Mother Earth, our most beautiful, profound teacher. Her wisdom gently echoes what we, as mothers, intuitively know, due to our profound interconnectedness, yet sometimes overlook. She delicately leads us back to the core of our being, She epitomizes the very essence of motherhood, instilling faith in the journey towards our becoming, where we naturally reside in the depths of heart space.
– Erica Rachel Galia, Meditation Guide & Maternal Wellness Advocate